Friday, May 6, 2011

Strange things I've learned from Korean Variety Shows!

K-Pop gives you insight into popular Korean culture that probably a history book would never provide. So, here are some strange things I've learned about Korean culture.

Koreans like a Small Face

If anyone in Canada compliments you of your beauty, they probably will not mention the smallness of your face. From what I can infer, a small face is desirable in Korea. However, it seems like any of the hot Korean celebrities have a small face. To be honest, their faces just look normal to me. But, what do I know? I am really curious to know what Koreans consider a big face. Is it considered hideous?

Here's a link to a video where Hyunah from 4 minute talks about her small face and compares it to a yogurt drink. It is around 2:00 min. Yup, it is from Mr. Teacher

I know I am using Hyunah as an example but there are countless Korean celebrities who have been described to have a small face.

Koreans love their 'V' line

Again if someone compliments a Canadian about their V line, they would probably go WTH? But, in Korean context it makes perfect sense. V line is what you get when you lose the fat around your face and your features are more angular, sharper.

Wrong abbreviations

Oh, my. It seems Koreans abbreviate English words without realizing the consequences. I know, English is not their first language but the results are too comical to not mention. Again from 4 minute. This time, the culprit is Ji Hyun. It is around 1: 30. Yes, she called herself a bagel girl.

Ah, K-pop. We love it.

BTW, when I mean strange, I mean different but not bad.

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