Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Canadian Elections and Osama Post-Death Analysis

Oh, what a historic election. Conservatives got a majority, NDP is the official opposition. Oh, did I mention first Green party win? Let's hope the Parliament decides to co-operate and work for once.

Some articles that discuss elections in detail. Here are the links:
Globe and Mail

Toronto Star

Lots of articles on How Osama's death will impact America and US-Pak relations. Here are some good ones from Foreign Policy.

Osama's Dead, But how much does it matter?

With Bin Laden gone, what will U.S and Pakistan talk about? 

I know it is strange for a primarily Asian pop culture blog to talk about Politics. But, I think everyone should participate in democracy as it is their civic duty. Look at what is happening at Libya and Syria. The folks in these countries are dying precisely because they want their voices to be heard and have a right to elect their officials. Also, with globalization, what happens in a far away country does impact us.

P.S: I will be doing a post on Japanese actresses and Strange things I've learned about Korea through K-pop.

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