Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Years :D

So, its New Years, eh? Time to wipe out all the sucky things that happened to you last year and making new resolutions you know you can't stick to. Also, the time to reflect on last year's accomplishments. Here's some of mine:
1. Got high on sugar (Yes, that is an accomplishment).
2. Managed to read mangas over my course readings and didn't fail University.
3. Took a summer course and worked but managed to watch  Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge. Kame is so cute.
4. Got a new part-time job while starting a blog.
5. Read blogs instead of going on facebook but still retained friends (they are incredibly patient and nice).

All in all, my accomplishments are sorta um bland except getting high on sugar, my new drug. Okay, its the only other drug except caffeine. My New Years resolution is to graduate, get a job, make bazillions of $ so I can pay the student loans, read even more mangas and keep blogging. :)

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